The National Food Service Manufacturers

This group provides complete coverage of the food service business on distributors, restaurants as well as those retailers and clubs that sell food service pack items. With the majority of the food service distributors being private, it is very important to have other manufacturers experience for reference. Meetings are very informative with an educational topic of interest and a full and participative account discussion.


Group Features

Electronic Submision

Members are able to submit their accounts receivable information electronically. Our automated system accepts a fairly standard format.

Set of Monthly Credit Information Reports

Every month a member can submit up to five (5) accounts for clearance. A consolidated pack of trade clearance reports will be prepared and sent to members by email. These reports are very valuable since many of the accounts are privately held with very little if any public information available.

Daily Credit Information Flash Reports

A very valuable feature of the regular services provided to members is the consolidated daily flash report on the NGMC website of important current credit and financial information submitted by members. Each morning the member receives a report of those "flashed" items that were received from members during the previous 24 hour period.

Emergency E-mail Communications System

A service whereby members are sent an email message as soon as responsible Group committee members receive word on the impending filing of a petition or some other drastic action by a debtor. Group Claims Committee Action Service - membership provides a vehicle for the advantages of the concentration of claims against debtors in serious financial difficulty where the legal circumstances warrant or where the debtor requests group action.


Network with credit managers of similar interest and responsibilities so important in establishing cooperation and confidence for mutual benefit.


Claims Committee

Coordinates information on bankruptcies, insolvencies and out of court settlements. The committee serves as a proactive advocate of creditor’s rights.

Additional Daily Credit Information Report Service

In the event interim credit reports are required in addition to the regular monthly pack of reports, they can be purchased online through NGMC’s database. There is an additional charge for each report and members can purchase a contract with no expiration at a discounted rate.

Membership Meetings

Three (3) regular scheduled National Food Service Manufacturers Credit Group meetings are held at national locations suitable to the membership, wherein the opportunity is presented for a discussion of mutual accounts and credit management problems of general interest. Members are encouraged to meet, engage in a confidential and highly professional exchange of historical payment experience of their mutual customers with techniques of deeply skilled administration of credit management and collection responsibilities. 

From time to time the group will have a customer of wide common interest as a speaker. The group also has speakers that carry a wide range of expertise from legal/bankruptcy updates, industry financial analysts, training, and member prepared presentations on their organization and success stories.

Membership In: 
The National Food Service Manufacturers Credit Group

Automatically qualifies you for membership in the following long established credit group exclusively sponsored for members of this group at an additional nominal membership fee arrangement:

William H. Koopman Credit Group division of National 
Group Management Corp.

William H. Koopman Credit Group, Division of National Group Management Corp (NGMC) Mount Joy, PA. The group also meets 9 times annually via video conference during the months of January, March, April, May, July, August, September, November and December.

Manual Of Procedures

Including By-Laws and Membership Directory identifying Group members by number on reports to aid in report study, customer history and trends.

Group Requirements

All of our groups are unique in operation and focus. Please fill out the form below for specific requirments.
NGMC has been very successful in starting new groups over the years
If you are looking to start a new group please call (856) 559.0760.

Learn More

If you are interested in joining a group and would like further information please fill out the form.

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